Monday, December 22, 2008
The Fragility of Life
I had not seen her since April, when I went to her birthday party. I kept thinking about her. I kept thinking I needed to call her. But I didn't. I kept putting it off. It seems pointless now to say that I wish I had taken five minutes to pick up the phone and call her. Now, she's gone and it is too late.
So for those of you whom I was unable to reach over the weekend, I want to tell you that I love you (or at the very least care about you very much). Even if we do not keep in touch as much as we should, I want you to know this. Remember to value the most important things in your life because it can be over in a split second. There is no going back to tell your loved ones, your friends and family (even your pets) "I love you" or "I care about you" or "I value you and your friendship". Say it now. Do not wait.
And for god's sake, wear your seat belts! It only takes a second! This is the second person younger than me that I have lost in the last six months to a car accident. Two people who most likely would still be alive if they had just put on their seat belts!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Other Katie
Nice. Why do I have to have the same name as the one mean person in the whole building?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
She is currently sitting in jail, and will be there until 12/18. No worries, though. Her job in finance (payroll, medical billing, cash collecting and posting, etc.) will be waiting for her. Her suck ups galore seem to have paid off! When I was there, I missed three days for a death in the family, and I was screamed at and threatened, written up and harassed. But I digress.
I am sure Little Fel - er - Little Dumpling is quite relieved about this! After all, she tried so hard, for so long, to get moved upstairs so she could work in the finance department. I wonder if this has anything to do with the cash flow problem there?
Don't get the wrong idea. I am not trying to be harsh, or judgmental. I realize people make mistakes. They can learn, and grow, and change their ways. I understand this. People convicted of misdemeanors and felonies need jobs too. I just think it's a little foolish to hire someone who has a record for embezzlement, or fraud, or forgery, or any other such crime, to be in a position in the finance department, or in any other position where they will have access to other people's money. Would you hire someone convicted of child molestation to be a elementary school teacher? Or would you hire a person convicted of embezzlement to be the person in charge of receiving and distributing donations for a charity? It seems like an avoidable risk to me. Why take the chance?
Still, like I said before, I have escaped, and not a moment too soon!
So Long Suckahs!
As a side note, my previous employer managed to 'mistakenly' mess up my final paycheck three times. Yeah. Just like they 'mistakenly' forget to pay other employees overtime. Thank god I won't have to deal with those lying, stealing, hypocritical old bags EVER AGAIN!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
A funny
An elderly Italian man lay dying in his bed. While suffering the agonies of impending death, he suddenly smelled the aroma of his favorite ravioli wafting up the stairs.He gathered his remaining strength, and lifted himself from the bed. Gripping the railing with both hands, he crawled downstairs.When he reached the bottom of the stairs, he leaned against the door frame, gazing into the kitchen, where if not for death's agony, he would have thought himself already in heaven, for there, spread out upon waxed paper on the kitchen table were hundreds of his favorite ravioli. Was it heaven? Or was it one final act of love from his wife of sixty years, seeing to it that he left this world a happy man?He threw himself t owards the table, landing on his knees in a crumpled posture. His parched lips parted, the wondrous taste of the ravioli was already in his mouth. With a trembling hand he reached up to the edge of the table, when suddenly he was smacked with a wooden spoon by his wife. 'Get away!' she said, 'Those are for the funeral!'
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Yesterday morning I decided, just to be safe, that I had better make a copy of said policy. I brought the handbook upstairs, opened up to the correct page, and surprise! The policy had been mysteriously modified since I last looked at it - early Friday morning. Now, the policy states that an employee must work all scheduled days in the two week notice period, and 'paid days off' do not count toward this time'. How convenient for my employer that the policy now reads in their favor, since next Thursday is Thanksgiving!
I looked up the document online (not password protected) and checked under properties - just to be certain that the policy had been changed, and I did not miss read it. Sure enough, Friday morning at 9:48 a.m., the policy was modified. Perhaps I should change it back.
I can't believe that it is possible for me to still be astonished at the blatant dishonesty and sneaky underhandedness of the management in this place. I have never in my life worked with such a two faced bunch of liars and crooks.
The sad thing is that they think we are all so stupid we can't figure anything out. They figure we are so pathetic we won't fight back. Yet, they are the ones stupid enough to train the new payroll person, right next to me. I heard them instruct her to sneak and pay people incorrectly for their overtime and regular wages. If the employee questions their paycheck, the new girl was to 'just tell them it was a mistake and we'll correct it next pay period - but hopefully, they won't notice."
I am so reporting this place when I leave.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Well, here is another little tidbit. As soon S. went downstairs yesterday, Barbie, aka my supervisor, came up to me and began to apologize profusely. She said she had meant to send S. the e-mail approving me taking Friday and Monday off. I abruptly replied to Barbie that it was not her fault. Yet, she continued to apologize to me, for the owner's dispicable behavior. Thank the gods, she finally just shut the hell up and went home.
While I understand that Barbie was trying soothe me, I have to say, I hold her in contempt for this. There is no way on earth she is responsible for S.'s behavior! I wanted to tell her to shut up and get some balls! Don't apologize to me for someone else's behaviors. S. was responsible for her own actions, nobody else.
I am so disgusted with this place I don't know how I am going to even make it through next week!
"Apology" Memo from the Boss
She said that the company policy states employees only get paid for their flex time if they give two weeks notice. Of course I defended myself - nobody pushes me around. So, it escalated to the point where she was literally screaming at me and talking to me as if I were one of her children (all of whom hate her, by the way) and of course began to accuse me of not doing my job, and leaving the company with a great big mess in billing (completely and utterly untrue and I have the numbers to back me up) and said that she would NOT pay me my flex time, that I did NOT give two weeks notice (even though I did). I began to pack up my desk, then, and told her "Today is my last day." She tried to guilt me (as if), and said again how could I bail on the company and leave them on such short notice. I said "I gave proper notice, and you are trying to cheat me out of my flex time that I have rightfully earned because you are cheap." I held my ground and told her if she didn't pay me I was walking out.
She backed down, then, reluctantly. After I forced her (in front of three other people) to give me her word that she would pay me my flex time if I worked the days instead of taking them off, she made sure to demand that I put in a full 80 hours. She didn't care when I did it, if I had to come in on the weekends or work long days. Of course, she means a full 80 hours not to include the holiday or last Monday. You see neither her nor Julie were here for me to give my notice to on Monday; so I typed up the e-mail Monday and when Julie was here on Tuesday, I sent it to her. This is why she claims that Monday does not count as part of my notice. I wonder, was I expected to call her while she was on vacation, or my supervisor while she was at home? What the stupid bitch doesn't get is that now she's going to have to pay me 16 hours of overtime. It's going to be hilarious when she sees my time card!
So this morning I came into work at 9 (I'm supposed to be here at 8:30), did not sign her spy log (I will not ever sign it again) and proceeded to go upstairs to work. She was walking by, saw me, and waited for me. She said very cheerily, "Good morning!" She was greeted with a flat look from me, after which I proceeded to walk upstairs without a word. About an hour later, I received this e-mail. I have not responded.
Hi Katie,
Sorry for the way the conversation went yesterday and anything I said that hurt your feelings. I was pretty blown out of the water with the thought you were taking Friday, Monday and Thanksgiving off but I still wish I had not reacted as much as I did. I am sorry for upsetting you and I hope we can get through the next week in a productive and kind way.
I appreciate the work you have done, you have done a lot of clean up and brought in a lot of $$. You have learned a lot in a year and I hope it was a valuable experience for you both personally and professionally.
I have made a list to help us with remembering the key areas we need to review. I am sure there are many more elements but hopefully this will provide us a guide to be sure we cover what is urgent. Please let me know how you see the time working out to cover each of these areas. I will try to be flexible and appreciate you coming in to help us transition.
List to guild us:
Assure K., myself, L., and Barbie are all able to login to DDE and transmittal and RA programs
Work Side by side with L., and Barbie to submit a Medicare secondary payer bill on line to DDE
Medicare secondary payer issues- who do we have and have they been keyed into DDE- spread sheet?
Work side by Side with Barbie and M. to submit a Medicare HMO invoice: Identify what Medicare HMO clients with unpaid finals_document, update spreadsheet
Eligibility reviews for all clients-where documentation can be found? files, spreadsheets?
Review why finals not paid for all episodes ended more than 45 days ago. Sept and older. Last claim submitted?
Reconcile spreadsheets for every client, every episode (what billed, what paid, adjustments? Unpaid balances)
AR review of all problem clients (claims not paid in 45 days or in anything but paid status)
DDE login review, claims outstanding
Current unbillable claims
Current Raps ready to cancel
Tracking system for billing, raps and finals-current system used. Documentation of all corrections not in HS?
Have L., Barbie and M. practice updating spread sheets for MCR and MCR HMO's to be sure we know how to use the spread sheet
This is just a quick list and certainly not completely comprehensive of all we need to review but hopefully helpful. I am sure you will have plenty to add.
Thank you Katie, I appreciate your help through this transition and I am sorry for the stressful situation and anything I said that upset you. I know you are trying to be helpful and professional. S.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sexual Harrassment and Discrimination
"I think you are so hot I could just eat you up."
Ok, so clearly this is sexual harassment. It's inappropriate. Action definitely needed to be taken, and it was. However, my question is this. Did they fire this employee because of the sexual harassment, or because she is a lesbian?
The subcontracted social worker in our office physically put his hands on me, and rubbed his body against mine in a blatantly sexual manner (and I am not the only person he's done this to). He has made sexist, sexual comments about women in the office on several occasions. I complained about him three different times, and nothing was done about it until I complained a fourth time. At which point HR supposedly 'talked' to him about his behavior. What's more, this apparently had no effect, because within two days, he made a very clear attempt to intimidate me.
And now a female, who happens to be a lesbian, is fired immediately over one text message. No investigation was done regarding her claims that the situation was not one-sided. Is it just me, or is there something off balance here? Why is a Hispanic lesbian fired over one text message and a middle aged white man only gets 'talked to', despite the fact he is a repeat offender?
To the Orthodontist
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Note to Self
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
How the hell I managed this is still a mystery to me. What I can tell you, however, is that it is not an experience I would recommend. Especially after one has already had two surgeries on their eyes. It hurts like a son of a bitch!
Running water through your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes like the caution section on the bottle instructs is also quite unpleasant. Have you ever run cold water through your open eye for twenty minutes? It hurts almost as bad as the bleach! Your eye swells up, and despite the fact that it is weeping like an old woman at a wedding, it feels as if it is full of sand (yes, I've had that in my eye too, thank you very much Davy Sanders)!
Fortunately, today my eye is just fine. No sight problems (I was lucky - the bleach only reached the white of my eye - it didn't touch the iris or pupil), and it doesn't even hurt anymore. I think those of us who are accident prone, clumsy fools must be endowed with a little bit of extra good luck to make up for it.
There's one in every office...
The owner went on vacation today. She will be in Boston until the 19th of November. Hallelujah!! She called us all downstairs and announced it to us. She started off with a joke - she said she was retiring. The response was dead silence. We all hoped she was serious, but alas, she was not. Then she proceeded to announce that P. was to be in charge during her absence. Now we all love P., at least, those of use who actually do our jobs, love P. Nonetheless, it grated on our nerves, as it was another demonstration of the owner's obsessive need for control. Still, we were all pretty stoked that she will be gone for nearly two weeks.
With that being said, let's move on to the main point of this blog. Recently the 'office manager' and scheduler - we'll call her Little Dumpling - has moved her desk upstairs (at the request of the owner, of course). Now, I was aware that Dumpling had some issues prior to her moving upstairs, so her behavior isn't entirely surprising. I am, however, surprised at the frequency of said behavior. Surprised, and utterly annoyed.
Firstly, she is a first class suck up. Not to K. and to me, because we can't get her anywhere or do anything for her. But to the folks in HR, and the supervisor (aka Barbie), she offers suck ups galore. Additionally, Dumpling is the office tattle-tale. Several times a day -and I do mean several - she is in Barbie's office - or HR's office - tattling on someone. For the simplest things. Today she told on the other scheduler, S., for forwarding her calls to Dumpling's desk while S. was at lunch. Then she proceeded to explain how she had told S. to do that yesterday. S. apparently thought she meant to do that on a permanent basis. It was a simple misunderstanding, for Christ's sake!
Oh, but there is more! Dumpling is also a busybody, to the extreme. She will eavesdrop on co-workers telephone conversations, look over their shoulders at their PC monitors, and snoop around their desks. If she suspects there is anything interesting going on with a co-worker, she will immediately get up from her desk and go into that persons work area and begin an interrogatory. She constantly sends 'secret' e-mails, and begins conversations with Barbie about them, making sure that the tone of the conversation is covert. All day long she is either tattling, sucking-up, or whispering conspiratorially to someone about something. Today she has added something new. She literally screamed profanities at an employee over the phone!!
I am in the process of moving forward, career-wise. I just don't know how much more of this I can take! This place is driving me to drink!
Book Club
I have to say, I've been quite disappointed. All three books were highly-acclaimed, award winning books. I have not liked a single one. The first two were atrocious. The last one wasn't quite as bad, but it still felt like a waste of time to read it. Sadly, the consensus with the other members of the club is the same (with the exception of Teresa, who appears to favor the underdog).
Our next meeting is December 6th. This book is called 'Maps for Lost Lovers', by Nadeem Aslam. It's about a Pakistani couple in England who disappear. It is suspected they were murdered in an 'honor' killing. It looks to Sara and I like it will be a good read. I am afraid to get my hopes up, however, after all the previous disappointments.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
An Insult for the Boss
"You wart-hog faced buffoon!"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Autumn Days
These are the kind of days when I miss the Balkans. The mountains, white with snow by now, and the villages beneath with their fiery colored trees and cobblestone streets (I loved the sound my boots made on those stones). The little taverns with traditional music, food, and drink. Such a simple village life, there - and yet so satisfying. If only for a little while.
I love autumn days like this.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
A Question
“Me first, fuck you!”
This does not mean that I am a cynic, though I realize I sound like one. Nonetheless, the truth is that most people will lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want. They will use past events and current trends to justify their actions. Sadly, most of the of the time if people were just honest, they would most likely end up with exactly what they want – sans the complications that inevitably arise from deception.
Nobody’s perfect. How could they be? It’s a relative concept. And I have made mistakes, just like everyone else. I’ve said and done hurtful things. However, as I get older and I learn more about life, I find myself stopping to think for a moment before I act. I think of how my behavior effects others. Is this action loving, or unloving? Kind, or unkind? Is this behavior balanced for all parties involved? This person is someone’s son, or daughter, brother or sister. Somebody loves them very much. Would I want my son or daughter, brother or sister, to be treated by someone else the way I am treating this person?
I’ve also learned that clinging to past hurts and fears is not beneficial. All it does is eat you up from the inside, and most likely will lead to others getting hurt – like an endless cycle of pain. It’s hard, but I’ve learned to forgive. I learn to let go. I use hurtful experiences as opportunities for the future – opportunities to help me remember to always treat others with compassion (though this is not to indicate that I will throw my pearls before swine a second time).
When I was a little girl, I lived on a farm. We had pigs and chickens, horses and cows, sheep and goats. We had turkeys and geese and cats and dogs. My adopted father was quite brutal to these animals. I am a very sensitive person and this cruelty on his part truly disturbed me. When I was 8 years old, he gave me an ax and handed me a chicken and told me to chop it’s head off. I was hysterical. I couldn’t see through the tears in my eyes to do what he asked me to do. He told me that I would get use to it – that I would toughen up and get strong – that animals did not feel pain and therefore did not suffer. But I did not believe him. I knew they suffered and as time passed, I only became more sensitive to that suffering.
I am like a pale skinned person who goes out in the sun and gets burned, but never tanned. I get hurt, but I don’t get calloused. I crawl under my rock for awhile and lick my wounds, and when I come out I am not harder. I am only wiser, and more sensitive. I am more kind than I was before.
I am an anomaly, I guess. I believe, however, if more people took a couple of seconds to think about how their actions effect others – that the world would be a much better place. There would be a lot less suffering in this world if we all at least tried to be a little more compassionate.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
All in a day at the office!
1. I am extremely aggressive.
2. She is terrified of me.
3. I give her excuses on a daily basis of why I have not done my job.
4. I forget everything.
5. I am cheating on my time cards.
6. I always procrastinate the most important things.
7. I am not aggressive enough in getting Medicaid and Medicare to pay claims.
8. I miss way too much work.
9. I am a liar.
10. I cling tenaciously to my work - I want to do it myself, and I refuse to let anyone help me.
There are several problems with the above list. Therefore, I would like to respond to each and every item on it. Please see below.
1. I am not aggressive enough. If I were, she wouldn't be yelling at me. I'll have to work on that.
2. She should be afraid of me. She has no idea what I'm capable of.
3. If I have not done my job, then why was she so mad at me? I thought that was my job.
4. I forgot what my point on this item was going to be.
5. Why shouldn't I cheat on my time cards? According to Barbie and the owner, everyone is.
6. I will write the answer to this item tomorrow.
7. If I am not aggressive enough with Medicare and Medicaid, then why is my name and photo on their 'no admit' list for entry into their buildings?
8. I have only been out sick twice a week since the beginning of the year. Did the company policy change? I thought we were allowed up to five days a week? Or maybe it was five days a year?
9. I only lie to cover up the fact that I am not doing anything all day except looking at pornography.
10. Get away from my desk! This is MY work!!! I will do it!
Why do I bring all of this up now? Well, today Barbie decides to compliment me. She tells me what an excellent job I am doing on the Medicare and Medicaid claims. How in all the years that she has been here (ten) she has never seen the aging so clean, and so many claims paid. That she is extremely impressed with how I do my job. That she had been trying to get previous Medical Billers to do as great of work as I do.
Earlier this morning she also sent me a complimentary e-mail. Apparently, the owner is very happy with my work, and appreciates all that I do. And yes, the owner has sent me a few e-mails complimenting me on my work as well.
Are these people on crack!? Two weeks ago I am an aggressive, lying, forgetful, lazy crook who is terrorizing them, and today, I am the best Medical Biller they have ever had! I have not changed any of my work habits in those two weeks. Other than sending some extra e-mails for CYA purposes (after being called a liar). That's it! Even if I had, how could I possibly go from such a monster to such a dream in two weeks!? Apparently, it depends on their moods whether or not I am a valuable employee.
I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Insane Freaks
So this morning my alarm goes off at 4:50 (I set it ten minutes early so that I would be able to hit the snooze a couple of times), and after I woke up, I laid in bed thinking:
"Why on earth would someone in their right mind want to get up at FIVE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING!? And not just get up, but get up and actually exercise at this god-awful hour?"
I continued to lay in bed for about seven minutes, trying to think of some excuses why I should go back to sleep. Instead, I managed somehow to find reasons NOT to say in bed (the crack was clearly not out of my system yet).
So, I get up, get coffee, have breakfast, and finally head out to the gym. When I arrive, I see that I am not alone. Plenty of other insane freaks are up and exercising as well. In fact, I actually found some that were more extreme than me. There were several people playing raquetball. Raquetball! Now, that is truly crazy. I mean, who does that? That is way too social for 6 a.m.!! If I tried to play raquetball at that hour, somebody would get hurt, and I am pretty sure it wouldn't be me.
As it turns out, I had a really great workout. There weren't many of the big muscle men there, so all the weights I needed were available. Nor was the stairmaster-hogging old man there, so I got my thirty minutes on that (no, the gym did not install a water fountain on top of the stairmaster - that was just me - sweating). The only downside was that Chicken Man was not there. I find his antics quite entertaining. I have my music and all, but when I am up that high on the stairmaster, it's nice to have something fun to look at - it distracts me from the agony (the word master in that name is quite appropriate).
Hopefully, I will be able to keep this up long enough for it to become a habit. I am not a morning person! This takes discipline - I would much rather sleep.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Join me in drinking, that is. Not the killing.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Memo From the Boss - Translation.
Because I respect all of you, I have drafted this Memo to provide you with some information about changes and areas of accountability and integrity our leadership team has been working on. I would like to have a staff meeting at 11am on Tuesday and you will all have the opportunity to discuss any of these areas that are applicable to all. If it is personal please schedule a time to meet with me to discuss your concerns.
Because I don't respect any of you, but none of you are intelligent enough to realize this, I am writing this memo to let you all know what I and the supervisors have been concocting behind your backs. Tomorrow at 11am we will have a meeting in which you will all sit quietly whilst I and the supervisors will remind you what a bunch of failures you are and how much we do not value you as employees. I will also remind you that I am the micromanager from hell and I, as well as plenty of my spies, am watching you. If you have any issues with this, please see me behind closed doors where no one will be able to witness or overhear our conversation, and therefore I can pretend it never happened.
I am asking all of you to curtail your personal conversations, texting, personal phone calls and personal internet and web use. Neither Lynne or I want to be the "ethics police".
This rule does not apply to me, to L., to J., nor to C.. This rule also does not apply regarding e-mails of a religious or political nature that I find agreeable. It only applies to you. And while L. nor I desire to be the ethics police, we will continue to harass you about these things on a daily basis, regardless of whether or not you are doing any of them (please refer to the last paragraph: I am insulting your intelligence with this paragraph. But you my employees are too stupid to know that).
C. will be supervising the clinical services of Home Health and functioning more as a manager of that program with an emphasis on compliance, justification of medical necessity, quality of care and clinical delegation and resource manager.
This is not in any way an indication that C. will now be expected to actually do her job. Rather, I've just given her a bunch of fancy titles that will now allow for her to push back even harder when co-workers ask her to please perform her duties. Please, do not highlight anything that she might look at!!!
We will be changing payroll companies and one of the benefits will be they have a feature called Web clock. We will all be logging in our times "starting and ending" work. We also are implementing a time in and out of the building log at the front desk. So please remember to use it. All of us.
I am absolutely taking no chances with you lying crooks. In case there is an issue with the webclock, I have implemented the in and out of the building log. I realize some of you who pretend to be productive may find this redundant, but I don't care. If you are somehow able to hack into the webclock system (which I fully expect you to do, being as how you are all nothing but dirty thieves) in order to make changes to your time cards, you will still be unable to cheat me out of a single penny because of the timelog downstairs, and also because I have forced the receptionist to be my spy.
Holiday vacations have all been approved so if you have not been approved or put in for time off please plan to work your regular scheduled hours. People who worked excessive OT last holiday while surveyors were here have been given first priority for time with their families this year. We will be open the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas and closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas as well as Thursday New Years Day and open on Friday. Full time employees are paid for the holidays. Currently we have a freeze on all overtime. If you do not have any flex time please do not plan to take time off. You need to allow Lynne a week to approve requested time off so she can assure coverage of responsibilities and clear the requests with me and your direct supervisor. Do not book flights or make reservations without prior approval.
Holidays are times when people typically request alot of time off, under the guise of the desire to be with their families. Since I do not have a legitimate excuse this year to prevent you from taking any time off (I had the audits last year), I am going to simply say that for the holidays this year you will not be allowed any more time off, unless it has been approved prior, and only if you have flex time. There is no reason for this other than I cannot stand it when anyone is gone, whether or not this time was approved in advance or is simply a sick day. Whether it is for a death in the family or for the holidays (if you get time off approved because your 16 year old neice Kaziah dies in a car accident then you had better be sure you have it in writing because whether you have flex time or not I will write you up - behind your back of course - you will not be informed). Whether you work is completely finished before you leave and no one has to do anything for you while you are gone, I don't care. You taking time off is just another way of you crooks cheating me out of something that is rightfully mine (complete and utter control over every aspect of your lives), and I cannot allow that! Even though time off without flex time is allowed throughout the year and has never been a problem, this will not be allowed during the holidays nor for deaths in the family. All three of my children hate me, and so I hate anything that resembles family or family relationships. Plus, my life is so empty and meaningless that I need to make everyone else's lives that way as well. Holidays quite frankly piss me off, so I am determined to make everyone else miserable on these occasions (even more so at deaths in the family because I wish I was dead). L. needs a week to approve requests because she needs to run them by me (not your supervisors - they are just figureheads), and I need to decide in each individual case if time off should be allowed, based upon my mood at the time. None of these decisions will be based on logic. And do not bother trying to use the excuse of plane tickets and reservations. So you lose some money. Big deal. As long as it's not my money, I don't care.
I wanted to thank you all for what you do each and every day to help assure we function as a professional organization and welcome any other suggestions on quality improvement. I am very optimistic and encouraged by the direction we are taking and feel there is a greater sense of focus and commitment to quality than I have seen in a long time. I value each and every one of you and appreciate your loyalty and integrity.
Respectfully and with most sincere personal regards, Sandra
I am insulting your intelligence with this paragraph. But you my employees are too stupid to know that. As far as I am concerned, you are all my slaves. The only reason I pay you is because the government makes me. You should feel lucky I am not forcing you to preform sexual favors. Oh yeah, but if J.McKay tries to, I will do absolutely nothing about it (because he used to be my lover and he is L.'s personal friend).
In the most sincere way, suck my @ss, Sandra
To the Old Man at the Gym
I would really hate to see you accidentally fall off of the Stairmaster...that could be dangerous for a man of your age.
Nevermind. I don't even know why I care. I hate the Stairmaster. Every time I get on it my body screams profanities at me throughout the entire thirty minutes. In fact, I should be happy that you are on it every single Sunday. I should be asking you to please be using it everytime I go to the gym so I have an excuse for not using it. It is the devil!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Name Change
You will now address me by my new, full name:
Goddess You Are Beautiful I Worship You.
Hahahahaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Oh, I crack myself up!
Ok so I actually just changed it back from my adopted name to the name my biological dad gave me...Kathleen Yates.
But I'll still go byKatie!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
This is not a hate blog
Perhaps if you would spend as much time doing your job as you do on personal phone calls, you wouldn't have to keep pawning off your work on me. Perhaps if you would pay more attention to the work you actually are doing, instead of goofing off and gossiping, you would not have to endure the humiliation of the accountants reminding you every single Thursday how to do simple tasks such as posting payments. Or maybe, you could even avoid being dragged into your boss' office to be chewed out for failing, repeatedly, to do your work correctly.
This is not an exaggeration. I have literally counted the number of personal phone calls you've had today. Ten. This does not include outgoing calls. You've taken ten personal phone calls, and yet you have to pawn off your co-pay billing on me. I have twice the work you do, you are paid $4.00 more an hour than me, and yet you are still giving me your work. And may I remind you that you have Mondays and Fridays off. Why don't you take your phone calls on these days?
I should not be surprised that someone who likes Bill O'Reilly and is ridiculous enough to {still} admit to voting for George W.Bush would have such a poor work ethic. Well. I won't be here much longer, and then you will have to do all of my work and all of your work, and then I'd like to see how many personal phone calls you can take then!
This is not a hate blog.
This is an "I'm as mad as HELL and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!" blog.
Bite my ass!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October 16th
Still, that is not the day I miss you most.
I miss you most today. The 16th of October.
In October, when the leaves change from green to all the various reds and browns and golds, and begin to drift from their branches to settle on the ground, I think of you.
When the air is cool and the smell of woodsmoke fills the air, I miss you.
When I am baking, and the smell of pumpkin bread filters through my home, I remember you.
Every time my heart gets broken, or a friend betrays me, I miss you.
When someone bullies me and I feel weak, I wish that you were here (you always said I was the strong one).
When I am crying tears of loneliness, I wish that you were here to remind me that I have always been independent. (It's better that way, you said. Men will only tie you down anyway - ha!)
When I carve a Jack-o-Lantern, with newspaper spread across the kitchen floor, I remember how you used to toast the seeds for us to eat...and I miss you.
I don't know why it's so hard for me today, thinking of you. I've hardly cried for you, before. How long has it been? Ten years. Your oak tree is quite tall now. Why do I cry so now instead of then?
Thank you for loving me - in the way that you understood love. Thank you for teaching me to cook, and for teaching me etiquette. Thank you for teaching me independence. Thank you for calling me on my birthday when everyone else had forgotten me. Thank you for telling me that you were proud of me before you left.
Happy Birthday, Mom. Be at peace.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sexual Harassment
Apparently my employer does not believe the laws apply to them. This is bad, even for Idaho!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Dear Kristi
Remember when we were kids, and we loved all those ridiculous movies with Molly Ringwald and Andrew McCarthy? We must have watched Pretty in Pink at least a dozen times. I remember I asked you which guy from the movie you liked best. You said Andrew McCarthy (of course). He was, after all, the hottest thing back then.
When you asked me which guy I liked best, I said James Spader (of course). He was, after all, the 'bad guy', which made him dangerous, and well, you know me! Remember how hard you laughed? You laughed so hard you had tears in your eyes, if memory serves.
I wonder what you would say today, if our silly little teenage wish had happened? If you had Andrew and I had James.
I know what I would say.
Hehehehee! You know I love you Kristi. :-) Talk to you soon.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Suffering of Animals
So I am left wondering what on earth would inspire my co-worker to tell me all about her hunting experience last weekend? What would make her think I would want to hear her explain in great detail how she and her trophy-collecting boyfriend chased down a doe and shot her, but did not kill her. How the poor deer ran for three hours trying to escape and they had to follow her blood trail.
If she didn't remember that I had told her a million times how sensitive I am about these things, you would think the look on my face surely must have given her some idea. I don't want to hear about these things! I am squeamish about even watching the discovery channel because it upsets me to see a poor animal get eaten.
Yes, I know it's nature and it's brutal. That's the way it is. It sucks being so sensitive.
For Shari
Please take a look at my boyfriend Gerry's website below. I have decided to loan him to you for the night. It is your birthday, and after all, I have so many other boyfriends, that I suppose I can spare Gerry for one evening. :-) Be nice to him!
You do not touch Les Stroud. Him, I do not share.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
To My Friends
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
North End Conservatives
You know perfectly well the North End is an area reserved for Democrats, green folk and liberals. Yet you have the nerve to display your ridiculous Republican support signs! Why, as I was driving home for lunch today I saw five or six signs in one yard alone! They are an eyesore and a blight on the neighborhood! Who do you think you are? Why don't you move to Meridian where your conservative ways will be appreciated. I did not move to the North End to take this kind of treatment! I only pray that I don't have any out of town guests this weekend. I do not want them to see those signs and think I enjoy the company of Republicans, conservatives and the religious right.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
My Sister the Scrapper
She did not call me back, so this morning I tried her again. Still no answer. Just a few minutes ago, she calls my cell phone. The conversation starts out with the usual how are you, what's going on, how is the weather? and then she says to me, in a tone just a little too casual for the subject of the call to be just chit chat....
"So...I'm supposed to be in court tomorrow."
"What for?" big sister inquires.
"Battery," she says.
Oh, lord! I think. Is she fighting with her husband?
"What happened?" I say.
"Some big fat mean woman yelled at my daughter!"
My dear little sister Krista went to pick up my nine year old niece Lori Jean from the (co-ed) flag football game. Once she is in the car, my niece bursts into tears.
"What on earth is the matter?" my sister says.
"A big fat mean woman yelled at me!" my niece responds.
So my sister listens as her daughter tells the story of how she is playing around with a boy from the team at football practice (prior to practice, actually). Apparently, said little boy ends up face down in the dirt. Hey, it's flag football practice, right? The kids play around like this all the time (note: little boy is unhurt - aside from his little boy pride, that is).
Sadly, big fat mean woman is mom to bested (but unhurt) little boy, and does not understand (clearly) how these sporting type games are played. She decides it is her duty to discipline my niece. She literally gets in the face of a fourth grade girl and screams at her until she cries. This is witnessed by several other adults, who, thankfully, intervene on behalf of my niece.
Well, after hearing this story, my little sister (yes, I do mean little, not just younger - 5'2' and 110 soaking wet) starts to turn green and {believes} she grows very tall with gargantuan muscles (I told her when she turned 30 last week that she needed to pay more attention to her health - but it is clear she did not take my advice and start drinking prune juice). She drives around the place looking for big mean woman. She doesn't find her. Does this deter Krista? Nope. She starts asking questions, and the next day, tracks big meanie down. She walks up to her (all 5''7", 400 lbs of her), points at her, and makes it very clear she is not, under any circumstances, to ever yell at Lori Jean again. How does said mean woman respond to my fiery green little sister? She shoves her roughly and says "Now! What are you going to do about it!?"
Unfortunately, my little sister, having my temper, lacks my reserve. She flies at big mean woman and hits her in the face repeatedly. Big fat mean woman becomes scared and tries to push my sister off of her. This does not work. My 110 lb little sister keeps on until big mean woman's mommy pulls her away.
So now you know why my little sister has to be in court tomorrow. It's apparently not as bad as it sounds. A misdemeanor and a fine. Thank god my little sister didn't grow 15 feet tall with gargantuan green muscles. Imagine where she'd be then?
Moral of the story? Don't mess with people's kids.
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Battle of Wills
So, after picking Dexter up and moving him out of the street, many tears, a call to the neighbor to break the terrible news, more tears (belonging both to me and to Dexter's dad), and several glasses of wine, I informed Little Kitty that he would not be allowed to go outside. I thought at first he might be okay with this news. He was very lovey and sweet, making sure to shower me with lots of attention. But after about a month, he became increasingly cantankerous. He began to hiss at me when I would pet him, and glare at me when I spoke to him. He would meow on occasion during the day while scratching at the front door, for me to let him out. After dark, the meows would turn to yowls and the most piteous cries (usually after I had just managed to drift off to sleep).
After about three months, the hisses and glares stopped. Little Kitty became more affectionate with me, began to enjoy his food more (instead of crunching it down between glares and growls directed at me that were clearly meant to say 'The back yard is teeming with tasty birds and bugs and you keep me in here forcing me to eat this dry cereal, you TYRANT!'), and he stopped picking on the other cats. He even stopped his nighttime yowling. He seemed to be slowly adjusting to the inside way of life.
Then one day in May, my friend (I won't mention names) Hilary and I went for a drive out to discovery park and had a little picnic. When we arrived back at my place, I reminded her to be careful when using the front door, as the cats were not allowed outside anymore, but that Little Kitty would most likely try and make a break for it. "Oh sure, no problem," she says. "I'll just be inside after I smoke." About ten minutes later, while returning from the kitchen, I notice that Hilary is standing in my front doorway holding her cigarette outside (screen door propped wide open) and her other hand (the one with the cell phone) is holding the front door open. She is asking something about taking her across town. In the meantime, Little Kitty is sneaking to the door, and before I can grab him, he races outside and starts heading across the street.
I swear at her and yell for her to pay attention (she's looking around her, confused, as if she's not sure who I am cursing at), while at the same time trying to keep my other cats from escaping (they think I'm SUCH a warden) and then race out the door and grab Little Kitty just seconds before he runs right out in front of a car. I bring him back inside to safety. So - no harm, no foul, right? Wrong.
The cycle begins again. Little Kitty hisses, glares, and cries piteously, day and night. This goes on for about another three months. He begins, again, to relax and accept his captivity. That is, until late August, when he finds a weak spot in the panel on the side of my window A/C unit, and busts out again. I have no one to blame but myself this time, however. I should have known that chasing him around with a running vacuum cleaner was not a good idea. Again, I manage to run outside, catch him, and bring him home safely.
So the cycle has begun again, and it is escalating. I believe Little Kitty has vowed to life free or die. Or more appropriately, he has vowed to live free or drive me insane with his piteous meows, which are now around the clock. His favorite time is about 2-4 a.m., when he will sit on the little throw rug next to my bed and unleash his cries at full volume. It was this morning at 4 a.m. that I realized, after a year of this, that I am not as strong willed as I once believed. Little Kitty has finally worn me down.
Tonight after work I will be going to the pet store and purchasing a harness and leash for Little Kitty. So if any of you see a blond haired woman with dark circles and bags under her eyes (looking like something the cat dragged in, pun intended) walking her cat around the north end, please do not laugh. In order to preserve my sanity, I have been forced to compromise with a cat. My only consolation is that I am sure that most people in my position would have relented about ten months ago.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Vegetarians - we get no respect
In my experience, people (generally speaking) act like there is something wrong with you because you make the personal choice not to eat meat. Especially if you are a vegetarian because you don't want to kill other animals for food. If I say I am a vegetarian for health reasons, then people overall seem to be ok with it. But if I say it's because I don't want to hurt other animals, then they act like there is something wrong with me. Like I'm dysfunctional or less intelligent for not eating meat.
It is astounding to me that when you tell some people you are a vegetarian, they immediately begin to pressure you to eat meat. "Oh, come on! Just have some, it's good! You know you want some! Doesn't it smell good?" My question for them is this. If someone came to a gathering and said "I am an alcoholic so I do not drink", or "I do not smoke" would it be acceptable to begin immediately pressuring them to have a beer? Would it be acceptable to start ridiculing them for not smoking?
If someone says "I don't like oranges" or "I am allergic to apples" would it be ok to start pressuring them to eat an orange or an apple? Or again, ridicule them for not liking oranges and being allergic to apples? No. It would be considered very rude. Yet it seems to some people to be perfectly acceptable to pressure a vegetarian to eating meat, or to ridicule them for making the choice not to.
I don't have a problem with people eating meat. That is their choice. Protein is something all humans need. I do have my opinions about how animals are treated by humans, generally speaking. Humans tend to be greedy and gluttonous and cruel, and that bothers me. But I do not presume to force my personal choices or beliefs on other people. I do not march around BBQ's and demand that people stop eating meat and preach about how I feel people should behave. Nor do I make fun of them for what they do or do not put into their own bodies. I respect the right of others to make their own decisions.
It also is interesting to me that the people who enjoy ridiculing vegetarians are the very same people who are appalled and horrified when you describe to them what happens to an animal when it is killed for food, or fur, or whatever other body part will sell for the most money. They are the first people to tell you to keep quiet about it because it is 'upsetting' them. They have no problem making fun of a vegetarian or gulping down several helpings of meat - far more than they need - as long as they don't have to know where it comes from.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Yesterday after work it was so beautiful outside that I decided to take a short drive out to Discovery Park near Lucky Peak. I went up Federal Way and took Hwy 21. As I was coming around the curve where Warm Springs turns onto the highway, a deer jumped across the road in front of my car. I was going 60 mph!! I immediately screeched on the brakes and swerved. I slammed on the brakes so hard that the tail end of my car swerved around and I thought the back end might hit her. But it didn't - I would say that I missed her by less than a foot. And while I was still recovering, she jumped back across the other way again! I was still recovering and barely moving, so I didn't hit her, thank god! There was some nasty smoke too from my rubber burning on the road.
Scared the living daylights out of me. And thank god I had enough sense to stop turning the steering wheel. As soon as I was spinning, I began to over correct. I realized that even if I avoided hitting the deer that I could end up flipping the car over and slamming into the side of the hill, or going the other direction could end up in the river (actually there is house right there next to diversion dam between the highway and the river so I could have ended up there if I'd went the other direction). So I immediately let go of the wheel, which I believe prevented the car from rolling over.
It was an extremely close call. I am absolutely certain that if I had hit that deer, it would have killed me. It was a good sized doe, and at 60 mph, she would have rolled right up the hood and slammed into the windshield. I had my seat belt on - I always wear it, so I might have survived had I rolled over towards the river, but I'm not sure I would have made it if I'd slammed into the hill on the other side.
It's amazing to me as well that this all occurred in a matter of about three seconds. It's frightening how quickly one could end up in the arms of death. Very scary. I will be going slower on the highway during spring just to be safe. The speed limit out there is 55 mph, but I am still going to go slower through that stretch by the river for awhile.